IME8062 - Keys to Effective Bivocational Pastoring

Course Description

This course is designed to encourage and equip those serving in bivocational ministries by providing a biblical foundation for their ministry and its important place in the Church. You will learn from the voices of others in bivocational ministries and discover how to establish and apply healthy markers for ministry evaluation.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, the student will:

  • 1)   Learn the Scriptural basis for their bivocational pastorate

    2)   Learn key practices from key bi- and co-vocational pastoral voices

    3)   Discover that being bivocational is not a lesser form of ministry

    4)   Be able to produce a final project that reflects healthy markers for a bivocationally led congregation.

Course Prerequisites

None required.

A complete list of books, requirements and additional details may be found on under "Class Schedule".