TLI1002 - Total Quality Life

Course Description

Total Quality Life is based upon Stan Toler's book by the same title. It includes videos of the seminar that Dr. Toler presented at NBC and offers you the opportunity to not only learn the principles, but develop a follow up plan for implementation.

Course Objectives

You will be able to do the following:

  1. Learn how to detoxify your mind and body and reintroduce right thoughts into your life
  2. Learn how to recognize your gifts that do not involve money
  3. Learn which daily disciplines impact your daily decisions
  4. Learn the action steps for removing the busy clutter from your life
  5. Learn to banish negative thinking and eestablish a Biblical view of Total Quality Life in today's choatic world

Learn how to lift your church to a new level of achievement
Develop a follow up plan to implement what you have learned

Course Prerequisites

IME Orientation

A complete list of books, requirements and additional details may be found on under "Class Schedule".