TLI8002 - Learning to Be Last

Course Description

"TLI8002: Learning to Be Last" is designed to help senior pastors, associate pastors, and those preparing to be pastors to understand the importance of following Jesus' model for Christian Servant Leadership. This course will enable participants to discover ways of following Jesus' model in their present assignments. Further, this course will enable participants (Christian Servant Leaders) to follow Jesus' model by encouraging other members of the congregation/ministry to model this leadership for each other.

Session: This Institute for Ministry Enrichment (IME) course is divided into four sessions - 4 weeks. A four-week course earns 2 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits and is rated at a minimum of 20 hours of course time.

Participant Expectation: Participants are to dedicate a minimum of 5 hours for each of the four weeks reading the textbooks and lectures, and participating in the class discussion by submitting assignments, answering questions, and responding to others' responses to questions. All submissions are to be sent to the class discussion for all to read and never directly to the professor.

Course Objectives

  1. Accurately use the necessary skills of working within the community of faith as a Christian Servant Leader with a passion for living and leading with the "mind of Christ," and appropriately apply the empowerment God gives to the faithful Christian Servant Leader who responds to His call to be a servant leader in His Kingdom [Week One: Accurately Reflect Jesus' Passion and Power].

  2. Accurately articulate to his/her congregation/ministry a biblical model of relationship between pastoral leadership and the ministry of every believer in the congregation/ministry that embraces, and integrates the Wesleyan-holiness theological foundations of leadership by the way s/he leads a congregation, and lives his/her life [Week Two: Accurately Reflect Jesus' Purpose and Pain].

  3. Accurately understand the key components of strategic planning and along with members of his/her congregation/ministry develop a strategic plan for growth in ministry, mission, and discipleship by functioning with integrity in situations when Christians do not accurately understand or reflect biblical or Wesleyan-holiness theology or Christian Servant Leadership [Week Three: Accurately Reflect Jesus' Plan for Your Congregation (1)].

  4. Accurately understand the unique characteristics of a Christian Servant Leader to enable all "Ministers of Reconciliation" (Paul) and "Saints" (Peter) to be Christian Servant Leaders [Week Four: Accurately Reflect Jesus' Plan for Your Congregation (2)].

A complete list of books, requirements and additional details may be found on under "Class Schedule".